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Postal address:

  • Str. Zamcei, Nr. 23

Bl. 64, Sc. A, Ap. 2

720214, Suceava,


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What you should know before using this contact form:

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  • Our response time is usually between 24 to 48 hours, excepting weekends and holidays,
  • but it can be longer depending on your requests or needs.
  • When waiting for an answer please take into account our time zone (GMT+2 / Romania).
  • If you need to attach files, we will provide a separate email on request due to file size.
  • In order to better help you make sure that you'll provide as many details as possible and
  • prevent typing mistakes by ensure your message is correct, especially your email address!
  • We cannot reach you if our reply will hit an unchecked SPAM folder or a full email account!
  • In case of contact form errors please send your message to:sekitss(at)ttthis_domain_name